Schema Model

A layered schema is a labeled property graph that defines a data structure. The nodes of the graph represent attributes (data elements), and the edges between those nodes represent relationships between the attributes. Layered schemas and overlays can be represented using graph JSON, graph YAML, JSON-LD. Layered schemas can also be imported from JSON schemas and CSV specifications.

The nodes of a layered schema graph contains labels that represent the node type (not the value type), and properties that are semantic annotations for the node. The edges of a layered schema graph contains a label that represents the relationship between the nodes, and properties that are semantic annotations for the edge.

Name spaces: The JSON-LD specification of layered schemas use the namespace. Some other common namespaces such as xsd ( ), json ( ) are also recognized by the LSA tooling.

Schema/Overlay Header

A Schema or an Overlay node is the root node of a layered schema. The schema/overlay root node is connected to the root node of the layer with a layer edge. The schema/overlay node defines the schema and any metadata related to the schema. The schema/overlay layer root node defines the root node of the data object.

This is a schema node.
This is an object node that contains other attributes.
This is a schema attribute node. When a layered schema is processed, the Attribute label is added to all the attribute nodes.


The node identifier. For the schema/overlay root node, this is the schema/overlay identifier. For attribute nodes, this is the attribute identifier. A non-empty id is required for every attribute node of a schema or an overlay. Note the use of valueType with a namespace as the layer root id. This is because the attribute node id for a layer root is the type id of an entity. For example, the layer root node defines a Person object (valueType), and the type id is (layer root node id).
Optional annotation that specifies the data encoding. If specified, data processed using this schema will be read using the defined encoding. If unspecified, the native encoding of the platform will be used.
Required annotation that specifies the type name of the object defined by the schema. The valueType specified at the schema root node is copied to the layer root node when schema is loaded. This annotation is optional for overlays. If valueType is specified for an overlay, it can only be composed with a schema that has the same valueType.
Optional annotation that specifies the unique identifier(s) attribute ids for the entity. Contents of this property can be a string value, or string array. Note that this is given under layer.

The JSON-LD representation for a schema is as follows:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "https://schema_id",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "encoding": "utf-8",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "entityIdFields": "",
    "attributes": {

An overlay compatible with this schema is as follows:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Overlay",
  "@id": "https://ovl_id",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {

Overlay Specific Syntax

Overlays can include these additional information:

compose specifies how to combine annotations of the overlay attributes with the schema. Possible values are:

All terms will be combined as a set with the composed schema annotations. list
The terms of this overlay will be added to the composed schema annotations. Duplications may occur, ordering is preserved. override
The terms of this overlay overrides the schema terms.

As an example, consider the overlay:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Overlay",
  "@id": "https://ovl_id",
  "valueType": "",
  "compose": "override",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
       "": {
         "@type": "Value",
         "pattern": "[a-zA-Z]+"
This overlay overrides the pattern in the composed schema for firstName.


This is a convenient way to compose semantics for individual attribute without specifying the full path. Attributes listed under layer term must match the path of the underlying schema to modify an attribute. Attributes listed under only match by attribute id.

As an example, consider the following overlay:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Overlay",
  "@id": "https://ovl_id",
  "valueType": "",
  "attributeOverlays": [
       "@id": "*/given/*",
       "@type": "Value",
      "pattern": "[a-zA-Z]+"

This overlay defines the pattern for patient given name, which is an array field under /name/*/given. Without attributeOverlays, the only way to define this overlay is to specify all attributes in the path: Patient, Patient/name, Patient/name/*, and Patient/name/*/given.


Attributes are data elements of the object described by the schema. Each attribute must have a type, and an identifier that is unique within the schema. Attribute types are:


A Value is a string of bytes whose content will be interpreted by a program. The actual underlying value may have parts when interpreted (such as a date field with year, month, day parts), but as long as the schema processing is concerned, a Value field is atomic. A Value attribute cannot have child attributes.

The following schema defines an object containing a value attribute:

The corresponding JSON-LD schema is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "attributeName": "firstName"

The attributeName annotation is used during data ingestion or data export to name the value. It may correspond to a JSON object key, or the column name of tabular data.


An Object contains a set of named attributes. An object can be used to represent a JSON object containing key-value pairs, an XML element containing other elements, or a row of tabular data. An object attribute can have attributes which is a set of attributes where order is not significant, or attributeList, which is a set of attributes where order is significant.

The following schema shows an object using attributes:

The corresponding JSON-LD schema is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "attributeName": "firstName"
      "": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "attributeName": "lastName"

Below is the same schema using attributeList:

And its JSON-LD representation is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributeList": [
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "Value",
        "attributeName": "firstName"
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "Value",
        "attributeName": "lastName"

The attributeIndexes are added to the attribute nodes when schema is loaded. The ordering of attributes and the attributeIndex values for an object with attributes edges is nondeterministic. The ordering of attributes for attributeList edges is fixed by the order in which the object is defined.


An Array contains repeated attributes that share the same definition (which can be polymorphic). Array attributes can be used to represent JSON arrays, or XML elements (an XML element containing other elements can be represented as both an object and an array). The array definition contains the attribute specification for the array items.

The JSON-LD schema for this is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Array",
        "attributeName": "addresses",
        "arrayElements": {
           "@id": "",
           "@type": "Object"


A Reference points to another entity defined by a schema or schema variant. How the reference is resolved is implementation dependent. The reference can be:

  • A reference to schema or schema variant using schema id
  • The value type of the referenced object, which is then resolved into a schema variant using a Bundle.

The reference implementation of layered schemas uses value type references.

The JSON-LD schema for this is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Reference",
        "attributeName": "address",
        "ref": "Address"

When compiled, the Reference in the schema will be resolved by looking up the schema variant for Address type. Then, the reference node in the schema will be composed with the root node of the Address schema. For example, consider the following address schema:

After compilation, the schema looks like:


A Composite attribute is a composition of other attributes. When a schema containing composite attributes is compiled, all such attributes are converted into Objects by combining the contents of its components.

The JSON-LD schema for this is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Composite",
        "attributeName": "address",
        "allOf": [
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Reference",
            "ref": "BaseAddress"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Value",
            "attributeName": "state"

When compiled, the attributes of BaseAddress and state will be combined to make up a new Object node in place of the Composite node.


A Polymorphic attribute can be one of the types of attributes listed in its definition. The reference implementation of data ingestion algorithm relies on attribute validators to determine the correct type of the object being ingested, but other implementations may choose to ingest data using different approaches.

The JSON-LD schema for this is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "@id": "",
  "valueType": "Account",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "": {
        "@type": "Polymorphic",
        "attributeName": "owner",
        "anyOf": [
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Reference",
            "ref": "Person"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Reference",
            "ref": "Organization"