Motivation: Schema Layers

Traditional schemas define the shape of data (attributes, nesting, constraints, etc.) The following is a JSON schema:

   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "firstName": {
         "type": "string"
      "age": {
         "type": "number"

It defines an object containing two attributes, firstName which is a string value, and age which is a number. A data object that conforms to a schema is an instance of that schema. The following JSON object is an instance of the above schema:

  "firstName": "John",
  "age": 21

Schemas are primarily used for data validation and automated code generation. Once data objects are validated using a schema, they can be processed easily using native types without further validation. In the above example, a data processing application can convert the firstName and age to a platform-specific value after the object is validated.

Schemas usually do not contain much semantic information. For instance, the schema above does not include the fact that firstName and age are personally identifiable information. We can Overlay that information onto the JSON schema using another layer:

   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "firstName": {
         "x-ls": {
            "privacyFlags": "PII"
      "age": {
         "x-ls": {
            "privacyFlags": "PII"

When composed with the original schema, this gives:

   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "firstName": {
         "type": "string",
         "x-ls": {
            "privacyFlags": "PII"
      "age": {
         "type": "number",
         "x-ls": {
            "privacyFlags": "PII"

This composite schema now contains metadata that defines some semantic attributes of the underlying data. Using this schema, we can write a data ingestion algorithm that represent data elements as the nodes of a labeled property graph:

Note that the schema information is also embedded into the ingested graph.

We can add processing directives to control how data elements are ingested. For instance, the following overlay:

   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "firstName": {
         "x-ls": {
            "ingestAs": "property"
      "age": {
         "x-ls": {
            "ingestAs": "edge"

results in the following graph:

Layered schema architecture extends the idea of overlaying semantic layers onto a schema base. The architecture allows dealing with different data sources that implement the same basic schema with variations. Different sets of overlays can be composed with a base schema to add semantic annotations that are layers used to process data.

The canonical model for layered schemas is expressed using labeled property graphs. Any textual input describing that graph can be used as a layered schema. Because of this, layered schemas can be defined by importing existing JSON/XML schemas, CSV specifications, or by using more direct representations such as graph JSON objects and JSON-LD documents. Layered schemas can describe complex data structures that contain nested data fields, cyclic references, and polymorphism.

JSON-LD Representation

A JSON-LD layered schema looks like this:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": {
         "@type": "Value",
         "valueType": "xsd:string",
      "age": {
         "@type": "Value",
         "valueType": "json:number"

This schema defines a data type Person containing two Value attributes. A Value attribute holds a data value represented as a string. valueType annotation defines the data type to interpret the value stored for the attribute.

An Overlay can be defined to add new data fields and annotate existing ones. For instance, the following overlay adds the lastName field and Identifying terms using the Data Privacy Vocabulary to first and last names.

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Overlay",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "": ""
      "lastName": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "": ""

By composing a schema base with zero or more overlays, a schema variant can be constructed. Different schema variants can be used to ingest and process data from different sources. The schema variant for the above schema and overlay is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Schema",
  "valueType": "Person",
  "layer": {
    "@type": "Object",
    "@id": "",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "valueType": "xsd:string",
        "": ""
      "lastName": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "": ""
      "age": {
        "@type": "Value",
        "valueType": "json:number"